Tableau Identity Store Configuration Tool

Configure your LDAP settings for Tableau 2018.3+ and output them in either a JSON Config file for installation or TSM commands for adjusting settings.

Short Instructions

Full instructions are in the
  1. Brand new installation
    If you are starting a brand new configuration and want to create an LDAP template then press the big blue button to get started and will be able to create a new template.
  2. Modifying or troubleshooting LDAP configurations
    If your LDAP configuration is not correctly connecting or retrieving groups/users you can use this tool to make changes and output the TSM commands to configure Tableau.

LDAP Connection Settings

The LDAP domain is required.
Please enter a valid root.
Please enter your valid LDAP serer address.
Port is required.
Name is required
Password is required

Kerberos Settings

Are you using Kerberos?

User Centric Settings


Group Centric Settings


Miscellaneous Settings

Finalize - You made it!